Future Manager Italy Insights

“The War For Talent Is Over And A Talent Won!”

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Author: Future Manager Research Center

Hard-to-find talent and hard-to-fill jobs are now a regular in the new world of work, but they are also of utmost concern for CEOs. Regardless of whether we are in a positive or negative, stable or unstable economic period, there is always, in one way or another, the need to find personnel with solid skills.

An important fact that adds to these considerations is the fact that more than 80% of the new youth workforce puts values ​​before salary, and just as many would prefer to work from home at least once a week. It is therefore evident that things have changed, which is why human resources professionals must adapt and stay constantly updated to be able to understand fully the profiles of the candidates they have to approach.

In general, we are used to company leaders who increasingly call on internships, traineeships or apprenticeships to accommodate a new employee and all the skills that he will share with the company. The element of novelty, on the other hand, lies in the completely new approach of human resources managers, who have been led to completely revolutionize the old concept of the “ideal candidate“. Nowadays, a company cannot reject for any reason a candidate for little moles in the curriculum, thus risking losing an opportunity that could have turned out to be advantageous.

We must not forget that the talents themselves are perfectly aware of their strengths as well as their weaknesses, which is why, if they become employees in all respects, they will be grateful for the opportunity given to them and they will be more productive and proactive.

This does not mean lowering expectations and hiring undeserving people, it instead means being aware that the world, especially that of business, is constantly evolving and even those who recruit new talents cannot afford to remain fossilized on an antiquated scouting method. They need to be able to attract talent, retain them and keep them effectively active to their full potential.

There is no doubt that this is a further concern for business owners who find themselves having to fight a real “war for talents” with their competitors, each using the weapons available.

It is true that a lot of effort is required in many ways, but it is worth it because it will be a long-term investment: you have to think outside the box!